Hummingbird Banding in St. George
The process of banding hummingbirds yields information about local and migratory populations. In St. George, hummingbirds were banded for two seasons at the Tonaquint banding site. The information collected from the banding site brought to light the hummingbird species living in St. George as well as the hummingbird species that migrate through.
Shayla Wilkinson became involved with hummingbird banding after an internship with the BLM in Escalante. She attended a two week training course offered by the Hummingbird Monitoring Network to learn how to band hummingbirds and opened a banding site at Tonaquint under the supervision of Terry Tolbert (BLM) and Susan Wethingtion (HMN). Even though she is passionate about conservation and wildlife biology, she is working on a Bachelor's in Computer Science.