Kolob Terrace
Meeting Place: We will meet at the Bureau of Land Management parking lot (345 E Riverside Dr, St. George) at 6:45am. Or meet at the Maverick station in La Verkin (460 N State St, La Verkin) at 7:30am.
Dress warm as it will be very cool on top. And bring water and a snack. Target species include both Western and Mountain Bluebirds, White-breasted, Red-breasted, and Pygmy Nuthatches, Steller's Jay, Townsend's Solitaire, Cassin's Finch, and the California Condor. We will also search Blue Springs and Kolob Reservoirs for incoming waterfowl.
We will be following, as best as possible, COVID-19 protocols:
Do not come if you feel sick
Wear a mask, and/or stay socially distanced or within your social pod
We will split off into smaller groups if our group gets too large.
Kolob Terrace truly is an example of why the beauty of the birds is only matched by the beauty of the scenery in Greater Zion.