Raptors of Enterprise / Beryl Junction
The agricultural fields of Enterprise and Beryl Junction host a high number of wintering raptors. By traveling the country roads of this area, we will expect to find Rough-legged, Ferruginous, and Red-Tailed Hawks; Bald and Golden Eagles, Northern Harrier, Kestrel, and perhaps a Cooper’s Hawk, Prairie or Peregrine Falcon. In addition, we should see other birds common to agricultural fields, like the Horned Lark. No promises, but there have been recent sightings of McCown’s and Lapland Longspurs too!
Meeting Place: Meet at the BLM office parking lot (345 E Riverside Dr, St. George) at 8:00am to form up carpools. We will then drive north to Enterprise and meet at the Sinclair Gas Station (855 E Main St, Enterprise) around 8:50am and hope to begin the raptor run around 9:00am.
Special Instructions: We will be slowly driving through the fields of Enterprise and Beryl Junction, making frequent stops along the roads. We will be getting in and out of vehicles to view raptors and other birds. Dress warm for when we get out of the vehicles. Bring water and a lunch/snack.