Red Cliffs Audubon Mission:
Inspiring people to enjoy and protect the variety of birds and their habitats in our region.

Birding Central

Find everything you need to know about birds and birding in southwest Utah.

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Upcoming Events

Join us for one of our Wednesday Bird Walks, Field Trips, or informative meetings.

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Make A Difference

UDWR Banding Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

Get involved with Red Cliffs Audubon and learn to enjoy and support the many birds in our region.
Create sustainable habitat, count birds, volunteer, advocate, become a member, or donate to support our mission.

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Welcome to the new Red Cliffs Audubon website

Our chapter has recently undergone a number of changes, though the website is currently the most visible. Some of our pages are currently under construction, but we hope you join us here and in the field as the chapter grows and changes in the coming months and years.

Be sure to check our event calendars to participate in our weekly Wednesday Bird Walks, Fieldtrips, Special Events and more!

And we hope you will follow our new accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

Greater Roadrunner photo by Diane Hoy